Sarah v. Elijah Taylor. Bond

Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Taylor and William Bowling of the County of Fairfax and state of Virginia are held and firmly bound unto Alexander Smith of the County of Fairfax in the just and full sum of one Thousand pounds current money of Virginia to the which payment well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves our Heirs, Exrs & Admrs to the said Alexander Smith his Heirs Exrs Admrs or Assigns Jointly & severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dates this eighth day of January 1789
Whereas the above bound Thomas Taylor hath this day purchased of the aforesaid Alexander Smith one negro woman named Thamar about five & thirty years old to serve him the said Thomas Taylor Twelve Nine years [strikethrough] from the date hereof & no longer. Now the condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound Thomas Taylor his Heirs Exers Admrs or Assigns do not carry or suffer to be carried the aforesaid negro out of the counties of Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, Fauquer, Berkley or Frederick in this Commonwealth during the terms aforesaid of her servitude and at the end thereof give him her if she be living a full and fair discharge from his service & sit free and Emancipate the aforesd negro according to Act of Assembly in the case of made and provided and now in force in this commonwealth. Then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force & virtue in Law
Thomas Taylor (seal)
William Bowling his + mark (seal)
The word nine interlined before signed, sealed & delivered in presence of Francis Peyton, and John Kleinhoff

Taylor & Bowling