Sarah v. Elijah Taylor. Agreement

Sarah a pauper
Elijah Taylor
Memo. in this case it is agreed On the Trial of this suit, the plf to support the issue on her part joined introduced as a witness Francis Peyton who proved that on the 8th January in year 1789, a negroe Slave called Tamar was sold by Alexr Smith her slave[?] master[?] to one Thomas Taylor on certain conditions and under certain stipulations on the part of the said Thomas which are fully expained in a bond given at the time by the said Taylor & William Bowling his security to Alexr Smith which bond is in these words.
It is further agreed that the plf is the daughter of the said Tamar and that she was born after the said 8th day of January 1789, and before the expiration of the nine years which her mother under the said
contract of Sale was bound to serve It is admitted that the said Tamar has since been duly & legally manumitted in pursuance of the contract aforesaid and that the plf is now and was at the Institution of this suit detained by Defdt claiming her as his slave.
It is agreed that a verdict shall be taken for the plf subject to the opinion of the Court whether she is entitled to her freedom on the above agreed statement
R. I. Taylor plf atty
Thomson F Mason
atty for Dft.

Sarah a pauper
Elijah Taylor
case agreed
1818 Novem: Term 11th day
Not Guilty Jd. & a Jury sworn & assd. & find for the Pltff: & assess her damages to One Cent subject to the opinion of the Court on the case agreed