Samuel v. James Green. Affidavit of William Patterson

District of Columbia
County of Alexandria
William Patterson personally appeared before me Jacob Hoffman a Justice of the Peace for said County and made Oath that Samuel a Black Man who he understands is about to bring suit to obtain his freedom, he heard from Mr. Bowman early in the month of January eighteen hundred and Seventeen to be returned to said Bowman on the 25th of the following December so that he might be returned to Maryland before a full year had ixpired[?] Otherwise difficulties might take place which he Bowman wished to avoid, that in the month of March a Gentleman by the name of Suthren called on this Deponant, and informed him he was the Owner of Sam, and wished to make an exchange with him but on being informed that such exchange could not be legally made. without he requested this Deponant to give him up. That he would require no wages for the time he held him, stating he believed he had already permitted him to be too long here. that he was apprehensive he Sam would attempt to get his freedom
from which consideration. this Deponant gave up Sam. early in March. and he believes his Master took him at that time to Maryland. further this Deponant saith not
Given under my hand this 1st December 1818
Jacob Hoffman