James v. James Campbell. Statement of Facts

A Statement of the facts & circumstances in the Case of James a negro man who petitions & sue[?] for his freedom
It appears That the said negro James was owned by a certain William Brogdin an inhabitant of the state of Maryland, that the said James came into the District of Columbia & County of Alexandria without the consent of his said master. That in the month of September year 1800 the said Wm. Brogdin took possession of the sd. negor James & committed him to the care of Jame Campbell of Alexandria where the sd. James has remained ever since by direction of his sd master & for more than twelve months. & that the negro James is now in possession of the sd Jas Campbell
Upon the above statement of facts, I am of opinion that the sd. negro James is intitled to his freedom, his case coming clearly within the intents & meaning of the act of assembly.
George Youngs
24 Nov 1807

Negro James
Statement of Facts
We of the Jury find for the Plaintiff and one cent damage
Christr Neale Foreman
Negroe James a Pauper
James Campbell
1807. Novembr. Term, 2d day, Peto. recd. & Geo. Youngs appointed to report a Statement of Facts & his opinion who made a report, whereupon lea: is granted him to commence a suit in forma pauperis for his freedom agt. James Campbell and Geo. Youngs esqr. is assigned him as Counsel to prosecute the same
1808. January Contd
1808 February Contd.
March Contd.
April Nar filed & time
May rule plea
August Jud. & W. Inqy.
1809. July Term 22d day Jury sworn & affd. & Verdict for pltff, and Dam: asd. to One Cent & Judgt. accordingly