Sylvia v. George Coryell. Agreement

Negro Sylvia vs George Coryell.
case agreed.
We agree that the plff was born a slave in the state of Virginia in the year 1729 1779; That she became the property of the deft a citizen & resident of the Town of Alexandria in the state of Virginia; That the deft in The month of June, 1789, being then a citizen & resident of the sd state of Virginia & the owner of the plff, sent her the sd plff out of the state of Virginia into the state of Pennsylvania New Jersey, where she the plff. remained three years in the service of the defendant's mother, but continued during Those Three years The property of the sd deft; That The sd deft has continued ever since The sd month of June a citizen & resident of the state of Virginia; That at the end of The said Three years The plff returned to the state of Virginia to the service of the sd deft, where & in which service she has ever since remained untill the Time of commencing The plff's action aforesaid.
We agree That the point in issue between The parties aforesaid, & to be decided on the case agreed as aforesaid, is the title of the sd plff to her freedom.
Jona. Faw Atty for plff
Tho. Swann Atty. for deft.