Loudon v. Charles Scott. Affidavit of Manoah Scott
On the twenty eighth day of november Eighteen hundred and seven personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for said County Monoah Scott and made oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that he is acquainted with Negro London who is now petitioning for his freedom against Charles W. Scott the brother of the deponent. that the said Negro London was purchased by the said brother Charles W. Scott from Thomas Contee some time in the year 1798 or 1799. that the said Negro London was never owned by Charles Scott the Father of the said Charles W. Scott and of the deponent but now belongs to the said Charles W. Scott and that this Deponent further saith the said Negro London was sent to Alexandria by him and there hired to a brick layer without the consent or privity of the said Charles W. Scott.
Manoah Scott
Sworn & Subscribed to before
Owen Dorsey
I Hereby Certify that Owen Dorsey Gentleman before whom the within Deposition was Taken and who hath thereto Subscribed his name was at the time of so doing a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid duly Commissioned and Sworn
In Testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal of office this 28th day of November 1807.
Wm Gibson Clk Balto Ct
Negro Loudon
Chs. Scott,
Opened in Court this 30th Novr. 1807.
G. Deneale Cc.
Negro London
Charles Scott
To the Clerk of the County Alexandria
District of Columbia