William v. Stephen Cantrell. Indenture of William

This Indenture made this fourth day June in the year one thousand eight hundred & five Witneseth That Whearas John Hodgskins did on the first day of June last purchase a negro man named William of Abner Willborn as appears by a bill of sale of that date; and the said Hodgskins being desirous of quieting the mind of the said negro man & securing him against a distant removal from his wife the property of Mr George Summers of Fairfax County, and for one dollar in hand paid the recipt whearof he doth hereby acknowledge, doth hereby covenant grant and agree for himself his his heirs or assigns, that the said negro man, shal not be sold or transferred beyond a reasonable distance from his wife, for the better assertaining what shal be deemed a reasonable distance; previous, to any removal transfer or sale of the said negro. the said Hoskins shal obtain from the mayor of the Town of Alexandria a Certificate in Writing that the distance to which the said negro man is about to be removed is a reasonable one. But it is further covenanted & understood That in Case the said negro man William shold be guilty of any crimes or offences, and they being sufficiently proved to the satisfaction of the Mayor of the Town of Alexandria, & If it shal be his opinion therein therein that the said negro deserves to be sold to a remote situation from his wife, & Certify such opinion and in
his hand, then the said Hodgskins shal be at full liberty to sell or transfer the said negro. whearsoever he shal please; & the said Hodgskins doth for himself his heirs and assigns Covenant and agree That in case
that in case him or either of them shal violate the foregoing stipulations or the Spirit of the same or attempt so to do. That the said Negro man William shal become free & stand manumitted to all intents & purposes. & Shal from thenceforth be discharged from all claims of service which the said Hodgskins his heirs or assigns might otherwise have, any law. Usage or Custum to the Contrary notwithstanding In testimony whearof the said Hodgskins has hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal this day & date first mentioned.
John Hodgkin (seal)
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
George Reno
L Summers

John Hodgskins
Negro William
Negroe William "a pauper"
Stephen Cantrill
Statemt. of facts
1807. July Term, 8th day Peto. filed & Tho: Swann & Nobet Herbert appd. to report a Statemt. of the facts of the Case. 9th day facts reported & leave to commence a suit in forma pauperis for his freedom & Process ordered accordingly
1808. January Contd.
August Continued.
1808. February Continued
March Contd.
April Mar. filed & Contd.
May Contd.
July Term 13th day On motion it is ordered that the pltff be committed to the custody of the Marshall until he shall give bond & Security in the Sum of $350. To have him forthcoming to answer the Judgt. of the Court in this Suit.
Aug. Contd.
Sptr. Contd.
Octbr. Contd.
1809 Jany. Contd.
Feby. Contd.
March Contd.
April Contd.
May Contd.
1810 July Term 10th day Continued
1810 Octr. Adjd. Session 2nd day
It is agreed by the Council for Pltff. and for Defts. that the Depo of Lewis Summers may be taken before any two magistrates of the States of Ohio or Virga. to be read in evidence in the said Case upon submitting the Plttfs Interrogatories to the Defendants Counsel before they are sent
November Term 11th day Continued for Plaintiff
1811 July Term 7th day Continued