Lucy Dickson v. Charles Slade. Summons of Thomas Clagett et. al


District of Columbia—to wit:

The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia—Greeting:

We command you that you summon Thomas Clagett, James R. M Lowe, Lloyd Lowe, Frederick Koones and Nancy King to appear before the honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Alexandria, at the Court-House, in the town of Alexandria, on the fourteenth day of the present Court, which commencesd on the first Monday in this month to testify, and the truth to say on behalf of Negro Lucy in a certain matter of controversy in our said Court depending and undetermined, between The sd. Negro Lucy Plaintiff and Charles Slade Deft and this they shall in no wise omit, under penalty of Dolls. 333 33 Cts. And have then there this writ. Witness William Cranch, Esq. Chief Judge of our said Court, this ninth day of July 1806.

G Deneale CC.


14th day.

Negro Lucy
Charles Slade


Thos Clagett sd.
Jas. R M. Lowe sd.
Lloyd Lowe sd
Fredk Koones sd.
Nancy King

Sumd. except Nancy King who is not found
Rt Moss DM