Lucy Dickson v. Charles Slade. John Alexander to the Court

The Honble the Judges of the Court of Alexa District of Columbia
This morning I came to Alexandria in order to lay in a Small Assortment of goods for a retail store, and have employed boats & hands to take the same to Piscataway which will cost me 10$ per day. when I landed I was summoned as a witness on a case wherein a Negroe woman Luce sues for her freedom. This woman I believe was the property of Colo. Wm Lyles & married a black man by the name of Jack Neale (it was currently reported in the neighbourhood of Piscataway that the sd. Jack Neale was permitted by the Colo. Lyles to work in Piscataway as a blacksmith for the space of about 4 years for the Liberation of the sd. Neal & his wife); but as to me being a witness, that Jack Neal & his wife lived (who were both the property of Colo. Lyles about the year 1798, are now free or slaves I know not. N. B. Jack Neal persuaded me to keep his blacksmiths a/cs[?] which I did, & they were kept in his name. If it will please your honours to permit to go about my business this Evening; it will greatly oblige
John Alexander

We admit the within to be read in evidence on the Trial of the Suit of Negroe Luce v Charles Slade, referring to the court to Strike out so much as is not legal evidence
R. I. Taylor defdts atty
To the honble the Judges of the Court of Alexandria
District of Columbia
Negro Lucy
Charles Slade