Lucy Dickson v. Charles Slade. Affidavit of William H. Lyles

District of Columbia
County of Alexandria Sct
William H Lylle personally appeared before me one of the Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid and made Oath on the holy evangels of almighty God. That his removal into this District was with no intent of evading the Laws for preventing the further importation of slaves, nor has he brought with him any slaves, with an intention of selling them, nor has Lucy Dickson a Yellow Woman aged about thirty six Years, Aron a Black Boy about fourteen years of age and Henny a Yellow Girl aged about twelve Years (being all the slaves I have brought with me) been Imported from Africa or any of the West India Islaands since the first day of November One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight
Given under my hand this 1st day of December 1801
Jacob Hoffman

Charles Slade
Negoe Lucy
Wm H Lyles
Jacob Hoffman