Charles v. Henry Nicholson. Summons of Henry Nicholson
Whereas I have received Information that Negroe Charles, is Illegally held in Slavery by Henry Nicholson in the Town of Alexandria, that he hath been imported from the State of Maryland into this district Contrary to Law. As Also that he had entered into a Covenant with said Nicholson to serve him Ten years, and then to be set at Liberty, and that Contrary to said Stipulation the said Nicholson has sold him the said Charles to a Certain John Brown as a Slave and to be Carried away out of the district of Columbia into some foreign parts.
You are therefore required to have said Henry Nicholson before me to Answer the Charges Aforesaid, and to be dealt with as the Law directs
Given under my Hand and Seal this 25th Day of May 1805
A Faw
To any Constable to execute
U States
H. Nicholson
Summons as Witnesses
Henry Moore
Thomas White
Mathew Sexsmith
John Brown
John Hoskins