Dinah v. Sarah Redman. Summons of Sarah Redman

District of Columbia
Alexandria County Sst.
Whereas I have received information by Dina, a Negroe Woman, That she is unlawfully held in Slavery by Mrs Sarah Redman having been Imported into the Commonwealth of Virginia out of the State of Maryland And held Contrary to Law
You are therefore required to Summon said Sarah Redman to appear before me or some other Justice of the Peace for said County to Answer said Charge According to Law
Given under my Hand this 8th Day of July 1801.
A: Faw
You are also required to bring said Negroe Dina before me at the same time

On hearing the Parties and their Evidence taken in Writing, Judgment that Mrs Redman give Security for the Appearance of Negroe Dina at next Court and pay 138 Cents Costs
Given under my Hand this 8th Day of July 1801
A: Faw
Negroe Dina
Sarah Redman