Dinah v. Sarah Redman. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria.
The Petition of Negroe Dinah Humbly represents that she was born in the County of Somerset and State of Maryland and continued to reside there from the time of her birth untill about six years ago when she was removed from thence to the Commonwealth of Virginia. That she was brought into the Commonwealth by a certain Margaret Roundly the wife of Roundly who [strikethrough] the said Roundly who sometime after she was removed as aforesaid sold or mortaged her as she has been informed and believes to a certain Thomas Redman late of the Town of Alexa. decd. there she has lived in the Family of the said Redman for three years and upwards and is now held in bondage by Sarah Redman the widow and relict of the said Thomas Redman decd. Your Petitioner further sheweth that she hath applied to Abraham Faw Esqr. a Justice of this County who hath taken in her
behalf such steps as the Law in such cases will authorise. Your Petitioner charges that she hath been removed into the Commonwealth of Virginia contrary to Law and is now illegally held in bondage by the said Sarah Redman against whom she prays to be permitted to institute a suit to recover her Freedom, in forma pauperis.
And she shall ever pray
From the depositions which I have inspected I think the above Petition contains a cerrect statement of facts and that Negroe Dinah is intitled to her freedom
Tho. Swann
July 16 1801

We of the Jury find for the plaintiff one Cent Damanges
Thos Harris
Negro Dinah
Sarah Redman
1801. July Contd. on hearing leave is granted to commence a suit in forma pauperis & Thos. Swann is assigned as Counsel to prosecute the same
October Contd.
Novbr Contd. C:O
December, Nar: filed & Judg: & Wn Jy
1802 April Term Nt.[?] Gd. Jd. & Jury swore & Verdict for one Cent damages and Judgment accordingly.
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