Francis Bowling & Clarissa Gardiner v. David Atkins. Bond

Know all men by these presents, that we Francis Bowling and Clarissa Gardner Robert W. Dyer & Ammon Green, all of Washington County, D.C. are held and firmly bound unto David Atkins in the full and just sum of Two hundred dollars current money of the United States, to be paid to the said David Atkins, his certain attorney, executors, administrators and assigns, to which payment will and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our heirs, executors & administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this twenty eighth day of January 1842.
Whereas lately at a Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, sitting for the County of Washington, in a suit pending in the said Court wherein the said Francis Bowling & Clarissa Gardiner were Plaintiffs, and the said David Atkins was defendant. Judgment was rendered against the said plaintiffs, and they having obtained a writ of error, and filed a copy thereof in the Clerks Office of the said Circuit Court to reverse the Judgment in the aforesaid suit, and a Citation directed to the said defendant, citing and admonishing him to be and appear at a Supreme Court of the United States to be holden at Washington on the Monday in January
Now the Condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Francis Bowling & Clarissa Gardiner shall prosecute their said writ to effect, and answer all damages & costs, if they fail to make their pleas good, then the above obligation to be null and void, otherwise to be & reamin in full force & virtue in Law.
Robt W Dyer (seal)
A. Green (seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of
Oscar D Thompson

Francis Bowling & Clarissa Gardner. Plffs in Error
David Atkins. deft in Error
Appeal Bond