Charles Beall v. William Kinner et al. Summons of William Kinner et al.


District of Columbia, to wit:
The United States of America,
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia—Greeting:

We command you that you take summon Wm Kinner, Eliza Kinner, Adeline Kinner, John Kinner, George Kinner, Lucy Kinner, Maria Plunkett & John Plunkett late of Washington County, if they shall be found within the county of Washington, in your said District, and them safely keep, so that you have the bodies before the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, to be held for the County aforesaid, at the City of Washington, on the first Monday of May next, to answer unto the petition for freedom of Charles Beale

Hereof fail not at your peril, and have you then and there this writ.

Witness, Jas. Dunlop Esquire, Chief Justice of our said Court, at the City of Washington, the 31st day of Jany. Anno DOmini one thousand eight hundred and 59.

Jno: A. Smith Clk

C & M.