Ellen Johnson v. Morris Adler. Petitioner's Bill of Exceptions
On the trial of this cause a Witness who stated himself to be a police officer in Georgetown & that he was so prior to the year 1849 and being examined by defendant said that on some occasion prior to that year the Witness met the Petitioner and kno not knowing her asked her who she was she said "Dont you know Johnson's Turners woman, belong to [illegible] Turner". and being asked on his cross examination "whether he had not as such police officer after the time of said conversation collected from John a son of the petitioner a fine imposed by on the on a warrant & judgement of a Police Magistrate in George Town in a case in which he John was
a Defendant" and having answered that he did, the Court and the witness, stating in reply to the Defendant that he did not know previously to being examined being re examined by the Defendant and having stated that he did not distinctly recollect what the fine was for but it was for the breach of some ordinance of the said Corporation. the defendant proper asked the Witness "if he had not served similar warrents on slaves? and the Petitioner by her counsel object, to the said question and the court overruled the said object and permitted the same to be put. and the Petitioner by her counsel &c &c.
Jas. S. Morsell (seal)
Jas. Dunlop (seal)