Peter Morris v. George Miller. Writ of Habeas Corpus


District of Columbia towit.

The United States of America, To George Miller Greeting.

You are hereby Commanded to have the body of Morris (otherwise called Peter Morris) otherwise called Peer Morris, at the Clerks office of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington on Friday the 17th Instant at the hour of 11 Oclock A.M. with the cause of his imprisonment and detention, Hereof you are not to fail as you will answer the contrary at your Peril. Witness the Honorable Wm Cranch Chief Judge of said Court.

Issued the 15th May 1816.

By order of the Honble. James S Morsell Esq Assist Judge Cirt. Court. Dt Cola.

Wm Brent Cl.


Hab. Corpus
Negro Morris
returnable Friday 17 May 1816 at the Clks office at 11 Oclock AM before the Honble. Judge Morsell.

Wednesday 15. May 1815. [illegible] by informing him of the contents thereof & proving[?] him to writ.

District of Columbia
Washington County towit

On this 17th day of May AD. 1816. before the subscriber an United States Justice of the peace in & for Washington County aforesaid assistant Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Columbia personally appeared J. Wiley & made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that on Wednesday 15th day of May Instant he served the within writ on George Miller at his house in Washington City by stating to him the contents & nature thereof, the said Miller being sick & unable to read, and that the said Negro Morris mentioned in the said writ was by the direction of said Miller shewn to this deponent in a room in the said Miller's house in which he was locked up & confined

James S. Morsell