Peter Morris v. Jonathan Davis & James Kincaid. Bond

Know all men by these presents that We William A. Scott and William Yeates are held and firmly bound unto Jonathan Davis & James Kincaid in the full & just sum of Eight hundred Dollars current money of The United States to be paid to the said Jonathan & James or their certain attorney executors administrators and assigns to which payment We bind myself my ourselves our heirs Exrs. and admrs. by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this eighteenth day of May A.D. 1816.
The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound William A. Scott do & shall well & truly produce before the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of The District of Columbia for the County of Washington on the first day of the next Term of the said Court in Washington unless prevented by death or other inevitable precident Negro Morris lately sold by one E. Hale to George Miller as the agent of Colonel Jonathan Davis or of Davis & Kincaid and in the meantime do & shall support and maintain the said Negro Morris, and shall indemnify & save[?] harmly[?], the said Davis & Kincaid their heirs executors & administrators from all costs damages & charges that may accrue by reason of the filing of a Petition for freedom by said Morris against Davis & Kincaid and of the proceedings under the same if the said Morris shall not establish & prove his claim to Freedom according to Law, and do & shall will & truly pay to said Davis & Kincaid their heirs or assigns reasonable wages and hire for the said Negro Morris at the rate of Ten Dollars per month if he shall be well & able to earn wages from this time until he shall be produced according to this condition the said wages to be paid only in case of the failure of the Petitioner in his claim to freedom. Then the
above obligation to be void, otherwise of full force & virtue.
In witness whereof we hereto set our hands & seals the day & year aforesaid
Wm A Scott (seal)
Wm Yeates Jr (seal)
J. Wiley
approvd of
J.S. Morsell Ass Judge of Circuit Court D. Columbia