Jesse Nelson v. John Cornwell. Agreement

John Cornwell
Circuit Court of the Dt of Col.
Petition for freedom.
It is agreed in the above entitled cause that the Petitioner was sold by John C. Weedon[?] Administrator of Thomas Nelson to Thomas Williams & that said sale was made[?] in Prince William County Virginia. It is further agreed that if the facts [illegible] set forth in the Bill of John Cornwell v. John C. Weedon[?] in Chancery now pending in the Court of Appeals of Virginia shall be filed and taken as true & [illegible] that copies of the Will of Constance Cornwell the decree[?] of [illegible] &, the appeal[?] then[?] from[?] and the [illegible] of Jno. Cornwell shall be read in evidence at said trial.
John F. Ennis for Petr.
Neale & [?] for Respt.
Oct. 29. 53.

Jesse Nelson vs Cornell
Agreement of Counsel