Walter Thomas & Dennis Thomas v. Alexander Scott. Deposition of George Craig

District of Columbia
Washington County, towit,
George Craig being duly sworn deposeth and saith, That some time in November 1809 about the time of court Walter cames to his this deponents house where the said Walter's wife lived and in a conversation which this deponent had with the said Walter, he the said Walter stated to this deponent, that he the said Walter had petitioned for his freedom, and then took from his the said Walters pocket a paper, which he the said Walter stated to be a note given him by his Lawyer certifying that he had petitioned as aforesaid. That the said Walter had some time before lived Sworn to this day of 1810 with this deponent for four or five years & that this deponent thought him one of the most industrious hardworking negroes he ever knew.
Sworn before this 23rd day of June 1810
Danl Rapine

George Craig