Primos Garner v. Horatio R. Marryman. Bill of Sale

Know all man by these presents that Mr Benjamin K. Morsell and William Mills of the City of Washington for and in consideration of two Promissory Notes, drawn by the said Mills, dated August the twenty third eighteen hundred and forty nine for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, payable to the hereinafter named Horatio R. Marryman [illegible] order in one & two years after date with interest, Have Granted, bargained Sold, and by these presents do Grant, bargain, Sell and deliver unto the said Horatio R. marryman his executors, administrators and assigns, a negro man named Primas Garner, and a cart being the same mentioned in a deed of trust, from the said Mills to Benjamin K. Morsell, as trustee, to secure the payment of the notes aforesaid.
To have and to hold the said Negro and cart unto the said Horatio R. Marryman his executors, administrators, and assigns forever.
In the testimony whereof the said Benjamin K. Morsell and William Mills have hereunto set
their hands, and seals this tenth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and fifty one.
B. K. Morsell (Seal)
Wm. Mills (Seal)
his x mark
District of C

Paid $.50
Bill of Sale
B. K. Morsell & Wm Mills
Horatio R. Marryman.
Recd. 1st March 1851. to be recorded and the same day was recorded in Liber J.A.S. No. 22. folios 27. and 28. one of the Land Records for
Washington County in the District of Columbia
And examined by Jno: A. Smith clk