Hezekiah Wood v. John Davis. Summons of John Davis, Mary Ann Davis, & Teresa Davis

District of Columbia Washington County ss:
To John Davis, Maryann Davis & Teresa Davis Greeting:
You are hereby cited & admonished to be and appear at the Supreme Court of the United States to be holden at the City of Washington on the first Monday of August next, pursuant to a writ of error filed in the Clerks office of the Circuit of Washington County afsd. in a cause wherein you are Petitioners & Hezekiah Wood is Defendant, to shew cause if any there be, why the judgement rendered against the said Hezekiah Wood as in the said writ of error mentioned should not be reversed, & why the errors complained of should not be corrected, & why speedy justice should not be done to the parties in that behalf. Witness The Honorable William Cranch Chief Justice of the said Circuit Court this fourteenth day of April A.D. 1810.
W. Cranch.
I admit the service of the above.
Charles Lee
14 April 1810

filed 14th April 1810.