Charlotte v. Tobias Watkins. Certificate of Slaves (Exhibit A)

John Graeff Jr.
Certificate of Slaves
Recorded January 2d. 1819.
District of Columbia
Washington County towit
I have removed from Fairfax County Virginia the following slaves to wit Charlotte aged 26 years Fanny aged 22 years Dennis aged 28 years Paul aged 20 years and Peter aged 18 years which slaves I have brought for my own use and not for sale
In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal this 2d. day of January A D Eighteen hundred and nineteen.
John Graeff (seal)
True Copy taken from Liber AT. No 44 Page 414 One of the Land Records of Washington County in the District of Columbia.
Test Wm Brent Ck

Exht. A.
Negro Charlotte
Tobia Watkins.
Augustus Taney Esqr.
Atty at Law
G Town