Eleanora Bell v. Susan Armistead. Capias Warrant

U. S. Circuit of the D of Col.
Oct Term 1851.
Eleanor Beall
Susan Armistead
Petition for freedom.
In this case the defendant having been summoned, and having failed to appear, an attachment was issued, by order of the Court at March Term, 1851; which has been returned 'non est', the defendant having absconded or secreted herself to avoid the process of the Court. Nevertheless the defendant still detains the petitioner and holds her in slavery unlawfully in the district of Columbia & within the jurisdiction of the Court. The counsel for the Petitioner therefore prays the Court to order the Marshall to take the body of the petitioner and have her before the Court without delay, to abide its further decision in the premises.
Green & Clarke
for petitioner.

241. Imp.
Eleanor Beall
Susan Armistead.
Pet. for freedom
let the Attachment issue returnable immediately to bring in Deft. 25 Octr. '51