Eleanora Bell v. Susan Armistead. Summons of Susan Armistead


District of Columbia,
Washington County, sct.
To the Marshal of the District of Columbia, greeting:

You are hereby commanded to attach the body of Susan Armistead and her immediately have before the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, now sitting at the City of Washington, for the County of Washington, on the 3d Monday of October next to answer unto the United States of America, touching a certain contempt by her committed in not attending this Court as Respondent of the Petition for freedom of Eleanor Beall after being thereto legally summoned. Hereof fail not at your peril.

Witness the Honourable William Cranch, Chief Judge of the said Court.

Issued the 10th day of Septr. 18451.

Jno. A. Smith Clk



241 Imps. for Octr. 1851.

United States
Susan Armistead


The Defendant to be Released on entering an appearance to the Petition for Freedom of Eleanor Beall.

Non est
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