Fanny Hamilton v. Mary Roberson. Petition for Freedom
The petition of Fanny Hamilton a coloured woman, humbly sheweth unto your Honors, that she is entiled to her freedom, and is unjustly detained and held in bondage, by one Mary Roberson of the state of Virginia, who claims your petitioner as her slave, wherefore your petitioner prays your Honors to grant a subpoena to be directed to the said Mary Roberson and such other relief in the premises as may be according to Law and your petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray &c
Fanny Hamiliton
by D Ratcliffe her atty
188. 117. 113. 109. 71 101. 133. 129 132 180 157 174 154 41 3 31. 48 57 114. 254 191 58. 68. 154 123 105
Fanny Hamilton
Mary Roberson
The clerk will please file this petition & issue accordingly
D Ratcliffe
Atty for Petitioner
Filed 11th Octo. 1850.