Winnie Cryer v. Elizabeth Cocke & Peter Hoffman. Bond

Know all men by these presents that we Henry B. Robertson and, John Waters of the City of Washington & District of Columbia are held and firmly bound unto Elizabeth Cocke and Peter E. Hoffman of the State of Virginia in the just and full sum of three hundred dollars ($300) current money to be paid to the said Elizabeth and Peter E. their or either of their Attorneys or assigns and for which payment well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves and each of us, our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this day of April in the year 1849.
Whereas there is now depending in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia against the above named Elizabeth and Peter E. a petition wherein a certain negro woman named Winny Cryer is petitioner; in which said petition it is sought to establish the freedom of the said Winny and whereas the said Winny is now confined in the jail of said County and desires to go at large to enjoy her liberty and to prepare for the trial of her said petition and the above named obligors are willing to become bound for the forthcoming of the said Winny and her presence in the said Court to answer to and submit to the Judgement of the said Court, in and upon the said petition.
Now the condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Henry B. Robertson and John Waters their executors and administrators shall and do well and truly have and produce the said negro
woman named Winny at the March term 1849 of said Court and submit to the judgement of the said Court in and upon the said petition, then the above obligation to be null and void, otherwise of full force and virtue in Law.
HB Robertson {seal}
John Waters {seal}
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of H. May as to[?] H.B.R.
Witness to John Waters signiture
Melvina A Gray
approvd by the Court
17: Apl 1849

Cocke and Hoffman
Bond for forthcoming of Petitioner
Filed 17 April 1849