Robert Trunnell v. Hope H. Slatter. Petition for Freedom
The petition of Robert Trunnel, a free person of colour, shews to your honors that he is now imprisoned in the jail of this county, as the slave of Hope H Slatter Your petitioner avers that he is free and not the slave of the said Hope H Slatter nor of any one else.
Your petitioner therefor prefers[?] to your honors this his petition of freedom against the claim of the said and prays that he may be ordered to be [illegible], and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c.
Jas. Hoban for Petitioner
Jany 3. 1842
55. 111. 45. 93.
Robert Trunnel
Hope H. Slatter
Petition of freedom.
Jany 3, 1842
Filed 3 Jany 1842