Nelly Lemon v. John H. Bayne. Affidavits of Joseph Booth & Samuel Webster

District of Columbia County of Washn. Sct.
On this 21st day of June 1832 personally appears before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace, Joseph Booth & makes oath on the holy Evangelly of Almighty God that on Tuesday Evening the 19th ninth Inst. [] This deponent was at Saml. Websters House referred to in the affdt. of Farrill Riley at the time Riley went there. That this Deponent remained their all that night & next morning went with said Webster to Work in the Country, h and he has no hesitation in saying that the conversation representation of a conversation between said Webster & said Riley as represented by said Riley is wholly untrue. That no such conversation did take place, nor nothing like it, nor was the subject of the negroes talked of at all. That if it had this deponent must have heard it as he was present all the time
Sworn before Geo Naylor J. P.

On this 21st day of June 1832 personally Saml. Webster before the subscriber & Justice of the Peace in & for the county aforesaid & makes oath on the holy evangelic of Almighty God that the statement of Favill Riley made in his affidavit of the 20th Inst. filed in case of petition for freedom of Nelly Lemmon & children is false throughout, except as to his being present at my house the evening he speaks of & perhaps he may have been present when Nelly said she wanted me as a witness that I have no recollection about, but the conversation he has set forth as having passed between Nelly & me & between him and me are totally false, nothing of the kind ever took place, nor did any thing like it
Sworn to before me
George Naylor J. Peace

Affidavits of Webster & Booth