Moses Graham v. Richard B. Alexander. Order
Upon consideration whereof the Ct. is of opinion, that the petitioner will be entitled to his freedom at on the 25th of December which will be in the year 1844, and not before, and therefore that the judgment at law upon the said special verdict must be for the Dft; But in as much as the said Petitioner has filed his bill in Equity, stating his fears that the said Dft. Richd. B. Alexander will remove the Petitioner from the [strikethrough] District of Columbia, under the laws whereof his claim for freedom has accrued, and from the Jurisdiction of this Court; before the said 26th of Decr. 1844, whereby he may be deprived of the means of establishing his right to freedom when it shall have become absolute [strikethrough] It is this 18th day of Apl. 1840 ordered that the said Deft, Richd. B. Alexander shall not be permitted take the said Petitioner into his
his possession (the said Petitioner now being in the custody of the marshal for safe-keeping and for the protection of the rights of the said Petitioner) until he the said Dft, Richd. B. Alexander, shall have given bond to the United States with good security in the penalty of one thousand dollars, with condition to be void if he shall have the said Petitioner forthcoming, and produce him to this Court, or to the Marshal of this district on the aforesaid 26th day of December 1844. [strikethrough] the said bond and security to be approved this Court or one of the judges thereof; Provided however that the said Petitioner Moses Graham, shall have first given security to the said Richd. B. Alexander by bond with good surety, to be approved by this Court, or one of the judges thereof, in the penalty of $800 conditioned that he
shall the sd. Moses, shall continue faithfully in the service of the said Rd. B. Alexander, in the district of Columbia until the said 26th of December 1844. And upon the said bonds being given and approved as aforesaid, and filed in this Court or in the clerk's office, the said Petitioner shall be delivered up to the said R. B. Alexander upon demand.