William Fenwick v. Lansing Tooker. Bill of Sale and Manumission of Clara Fenwick (Exhibit)

Know all men by these presents that I Jacob Hoffman of the Town of Alexandria in the district of Columbia did about the year 1813, Sell for the term of Ten years the bearer hereof Clary, to Samuel Harper then of this place, the said Clary with her Issue to be free at the expiration of the said ten years. The said Harper sold her for the remainder of her time to Ruben Dye then of Alexandria & he to Jonathan C May, and he to Thomas Patton and he to a Mr Henderson [torn page] City and he to John C. Wilson and [torn page] residue of her time to a Mr. Gold[torn page] at the expiration of the said ten years the parties gave her liberty but referred her to the subscriber for her freedom papers. I do hereby manumit set free and fully discharge from my service the said Clary to Enjoy her liberty together with her three children, William a son now about nine years old, Elizabeth a daughter about three years old and a second daughter named Martham[?] now about seven months old. The said Children to be subject to [torn page]
Mother the son until he be fuly of the age of Twenty one years, the daughters until they shall arrive at the ages of Eighteen years.
Given under my hand and seal this 27th May 1829
Jacob Hoffman (seal)
Wm Simms s
Charles Bennett s