William Fenwick v. Lansing Tooker. Deeds of Indenture and Emancipation of Clara Fenwick (Exhibit)

This Indenture made this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fourteen between Jacob Hoffman of the Town of Alexandria of the one part, and Samuel Harper of the same Town of the other part. Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred Dollars Current money to him the said Jacob Hoffman in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath Granted, Bargained, and sold, and by these Presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Samuel Harper this Executors, Administrators, and Assigns a negroe woman called and known by the name of Clary being now about the age of eighteen years. To Have and To Hold her the said Clary [torn page] said Samuel Harper his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, for and during the Term [torn page] Ten years fully to be complete and ended after the day of the date of these Presents. And the said Jacob Hoffman for divers other good causes and considerations him thereunto moving, as also for the further sum of five shillings to him in hand paid, hath released from slavery, manumitted and set free and by these Presents doth hereby, from and after the expiration of said term of Ten years from the day of the date hereof, released from slavery, liberate, manumit, and set free the said negroe woman, and the said parties to this Indenture do hereby declare it to be their express understanding that the said negroe woman Clary shall be free and discharged from all manner of service or servitude to them or either of them, their
or either of their heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns after the full end and completion of said term of years for which by these presents she the said Clary is hereby bargained and sold.
And it is hereby stipulated, declared and agreed that all and singular the Issue, whether male or female of her the said Clary shall be manumitted, liberated and discharged from all manner of service to the parties to this Indenture or any one else, after the Males shall attain to the age of thirty years and the females to the age of twenty five years. And the said Samuel Harper doth hereby covenant[?] and agree to and with him the said Jacob Hoffman that from and after the expiration of said term of years for which she the said Clary and her Issue is hereby bargained and sold, he will suffer the said Clary and her Issue to depart from his service, without any delay, [torn page] molestation.
In Testimony whereof
We have hereunto set our hands and affirmed our Seals respectively on the day and year above written.
Jacob Hoffman (Seal)
Samuel Harper (Seal)
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Jno. G. Ladd
Thompson Violett

At an United States Circuit Court of the District of Columbia continued and held for the County of Alexandria the 20th ay of April 1830. This Deed of Emancipation from Jacob Hoffman to Negro Clara & children, was proved by the oaths of William Simms and Charles Bennett to be the act and deed of the said Jacob Hoffman & ordered to be recorded
In Testimony whereof, I Edmund J Lee Clerk of the said Court, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court this 20rd day of April 1830.
Edm. J Lee

4th day
Jacob Hoffman to Negro Clara & children
Recorded Liber J [illegible] folio 14