James Rhodes v. Moses Bell. Affidavit of John Walker, William Lindley & George Barnes

Washington County District of Columbia Sct
Upon this 1st day of December 1842, before me a justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid personally appeared John Walker, William Lindley & George Barnes competent and credible persons, and made oath that they know Moses Bell, the Petitioner for freedom in a certain case decided in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for Washington County, in which James Rhodes was Defendant, and in which a Judgment was rendered in favor of said Petitioner, and that the said Petitioner is not worth one thousand dollars, but is worth much less. They further made oath that the said Petitioner is worth more than one hundred dollars and to the best of their judgments he is worth about the sum of two hundred dollars or two hundred and fifty dollars.
Sworn before B K Morsell J.P.