Evelina Russell v. Joseph Neale. Petition for Freedom

To the Hon. the Judges of the Circuit Court for the Dist. of Columbia & County of Washgn
The Petition of Teresa Russel next of kin and mother to Evelina a minor represents that the said Evelina is entitled to her freedom and that she is illegally held in slavery by a certain Joseph Neale of Washington County in the District of Columbia who refuses to release her. Your Petitioner therefore prays yr Honor that the said Joseph may be summoned to appear as the Law directs and that your Honors do order him to return yr the said Evelina to her liberty and to relinquish all claim to her as his slave, and also for all other and further relief in the premises that yr Honors will grant and is in duty bound will ever pray &c
Wm Brent for Petr
19th March 1834

Evelina Russell by Teresa Russell her next friend
Joseph Neale
Filed 20th March 1834