Ellen Trunnell & Milly Ross et al. v. Henry B. Robertson & Daniel Keene. Order

Trunnel & al
Keene &--
The Court having rendered judgment for the Dfts upon the special verdict, and the Pet Petitioner having sued out their writ of Error, and being now in custody of the Marshal for safe-keeping, it is ordered this 2d of Septr 1845 that the marshal do not deliver up the petitioners to the Dfts until the expiration of the ten days allowed by law in which to give the security necessary, in order to be a supersedeas to said Judgment; and if such security approved by one of the Judges shall be given before the expiration of the said ten days, then the Marshal is not to deliver up the petitioners to the Dfts without the further order of this the Court. But if such security, so approved, shall not be given, We before the expiration of the said ten days, then the marshal may deliver up the Petitioners to the Dfts upon payment of the Marshal's fees for their detention and safe keeping.
By order of the Court.