Ellen Trunnell & Milly Ross et al. v. Henry B. Robertson & Daniel Keene. James Hoban to William Cranch

May 3 1845
Dr Sir,
I send you in the case of Keene's negroes, the authorities sent me from Va. to which I referred in argument, also a decision of our Court "that a will not probated cannot be evidence in [illegible] of freedom." I would also ask as a favor, very desirable to all parties, that an early decision may be had, as I have repeatedly postponed the case to accommodate the counsel of the slaves, and allow them every opportunities of vindicating, if they are entitled to, their freedom.
Yours very respy
Jas Hoban
His honor Judge Cranch

Hon. Wm. Cranch Chief Judge
Trunnel v. Robertson
Mr. Hoban's notes
Mr Hoban to furnish send us the books
Mr Hoban notes
Robertson & al