Austin Tripplet v. Henry Lloyd. Petition for Freedom
The Petition of Austin Tripplet a colored man, humbly complaining, sheweth unto the said Honorable Court that your petitioner was freed & released from slavery by a deed of manumission from one Elizabeth Tripplet made and acknowledged on twenty fourth day of October 1845. And recorded on the 1st of November 1845. That the said Elizabeth Tripplet purchased your petitioner from one Henry Lloyd about six months since before the filing of this petition on certain terms. And that he is now unjustly held in Bondage by one Henry Lloid. who claims your petitioner as his slave, wherefore your petitioner prays the said Honorable Court to issue a subpoena to the said Henry Lloid, directed, & such other relief in the premises as may be according to Law
John A. Linton, atty for Petitioner
7. 76. 80.
Austin Tripplet
Henry Lloyd
The Clerk will file the Petition and issue accordingly
J. A. Linton attorney for Petitioner
Filed 1s Novr 1845