Amy Gray v. Henry Howison. Affidavit of Nathan Eaton


District of Columbia
Washington County Set:

Nathan Eaton makes oath & says that in the latter part of February January or early in February last, to the best of this deponents recollection between three and four o'clock in the afternoon this deponent saw Henry Hawison and two other persons standing near John Coburn's store in the City of Washington. This deponent entered the store where he saw the said Coburn who [illegible] to this deponent that the said Howison & other persons had come to take Ami. Thereupon this deponent proceeded to [illegible] Coburns place of residence being about half a squares distance, where this deponent lived. That this deponent saw a hack drive up to the back gate leading into the yard of said Coburns house. And when deponent entered the house he saw said Howieson and the said two other persons come near to within ten feet of the room in said Coburns house where said Ami slept. This deponent distinctly saw said Howison [illegible] to the said room & then pass on to the stoop of the said house, by the window of the room where this deponent was. This deponent heard the said Howison then enquire for Mrs Coburn. That the said Howison as this deponent was informed by Mrs Coburn & verily believes "[illegible] said Mrs Coburn & asked her permission to   break open the door where Ami was . Stating that he had come to take her away & that said Mrs Coburn reprised[?] no & told Howison to go to Mr Coburn who was at the store." At the same time the said Ami was in said room where she slept. Thereupon the deponent left the house & went to Coburn's store and returned to the house in about 15 or 20 minutes & found that Ami had been taken away.

Sworn in open Court 31st March 1835.

Wm Brent Clk


Nathan Eatons Affidavit

Filed 4th Apl 1835