Christopher Harris v. Robert Rowley. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington.
The Petition of Christopher Harris humbly represents— That in the year 1825 your petitioner was brought to the County aforesaid from the State of Virginia as a slave by one P.B. Alexander, his mistress— That the said Alexander returned to the said State of Virginia about six months ago leaving your petitioner in said county. That on the second day of February 1828 in the city of Washington in said county the said Alexander sold your petitioner to one Robert Rowley, a foreigner, who is about to remove your petitioner from this District, and now holds and claims your petitioner as his slave. That the said sale was within three years from the time your petitioner was brought into the said County to reside, and your petitioner is advised that the said sale is contrary to law and that he is entitled to his freedom. Your Petitioner prays your Honors to grant unto him the U. States writ of subpoena to said Rowley directed &c. &c.
Richd Wallach for petitioner

Christopher Harris
Robert Rowley
fd 4th Feby 1828