John Baptist Lee v. Augustus Preuss. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable, the Judges of the Circuit Court for the County of Washington, in the District of Columbia.
The Petition of John Baptist Lee humbly sheweth unto your Honors that he is entitled to his freedom and is unjustly & illegally held in bondage by one Augustus Preuss who intends, (as your petitioner is informed and verily believes) to sell him a slave for life. Wherefore he prays your Honors, that a subpoena may issue from your Honorable Court to the said Augustus Preuss directed, commanding him to be and appear before your Honorable Court and answer hereto - and that your petitioner may be discharged from his service and obtain such relief in the premises as to your Honors may seem meet. And as in duty bound will ever pray &c
S.B. Barrell
Atty for Petr.
April 25th 1827.

Jno B Lee
Augs Preuss
Petition for Freedom
filed 25th April 1827