William v. George Milburn, John Coburn, & John L. Alford. Order

Negro William
In this case the Petitioner having been, by a former order, committed for safe keeping, into the Custody of the Marshal, and, judgment by default having been now rendered, in favor of said Petitioner agt the said Milburn & the Petr being now present in Court, application is made by Nicholas B. Van Zandt as agent for Christopher J. Estes, that the said Petitioner be delivered to him as agent for the said Estes, who produced to the Court the power of attorney of said Estes, & the affidavits of Martha Straas & Emily C. Straas.
And the Petitioner by his Counsel having thereupon offered evidence to shew that the Petr was in the possession of Martha Straas or that her Daughter Jane Louisa Southall her daughter living with her. That he was sold to the Deft. Milburn, by said Jane in the presence & with the consent & concurrence of Martha Straas. And that another of the distributees of the estate of said Estes intestate had acknowledged that the and stated that the distributees of said Intestate had given up to the said Jane all rights to the said Petitioner.
And thereupon the Court refused to deliver the said Petr to said Van Zandt & as his said application, but ordered the said Petr to be discharged from the custody of the Marshals.
By order of the Court
21st June 1826.
W. Brent Clk

Order of Court
filed 21st June 1826