Eliza v. William Hayman. Petition for Freedom

To the Honble. The Judge of the Circuit Court for the Dist of Cola for the County of Wash.
The Petition of Negress Eliza now in the County of Wash. Sheweth
That your petitioner is the descendant of one negress, Betty, formerly the property of one William Bushby of Fairfax County Vrga. who by deed dated 20 Septr 1790 manumitted and set free among the rest, the said Betty, who is the mother of the Petitioner by reason whereof this petitioner was and is entiteld to freedom, and notwithstanding which one John Wetzel of Geo Town in the Co aforesaid has claimed your petitioner as a slave for life. And your Petitioner states that at the time the said Wetzel became possessed of her it was only for a term of years which term has long since expired; and she also states that she has been and lived in Alexandria in the Distct of Cola and was carried there from Fairfax Coy. Virginia where she has remained until within the last two years within which time she has been brought to the County of Washington by the said John Wetzel and sold as a slave for life to one Edmond Smith of Kentucky of Tennessee contrary to the provisions of the Statute, prohibiting the sale of negroes within three years after the removal of families by reason of all which matters and things as herein set forth she claims to be free and prays the facts as stated may be inquired into and that a summons may issue agt Wm Hayman admr of John Wetzel decd to be & appear to answer this Petition.
Fleet Smith for Petitioner

Negress Eliza
William Hayman admr of John Wetzel dec'd
Petition For Freedom
The Clerk will issue a summons for deft the administrator
Colo. Brent please, file this Issue an this immediately. 14th Jany 1825.
Fleet Smith for Petitioner
Filed 15 Jany 1825