Fanny Tarlton v. Cartwright Tippett. Petition for Freedom
The Petition of Fanny Tarlton for herself and children, respectfully sheweth, that your petitioner is unjustly held and detained in Slavery by a certain Cartwright Tippett of the City of Washington, altho she is in law and justice entitled to her freedom. She therefore prays that a summons, as is usual in such cases, may be issued by the Clerk of the County aforesaid, directed to the Marshall of the District aforesaid, Summoning and Commanding the said Cartwright Tippett to appear at the next Court to be holden for the said County, to show cause why your petitioner should not be released from slavery, and to answer her said claim for freedom, and to enter into the usual recognizance.
Mr Ringold will confer a favor by attending to the business immediately
Jas Crawford
Atty for Petitioner
Fanny Tarlton
Cartwright Tippett
Petition for freedom
The Clerk will please issue as above
Jas Crawford
Filed 4 Augt 1823