Kitty Shorter v. Daniel Rapine. Petition for Freedom
The Petition of Kitty Shorter in behalf of herself and her infant children William and Charles Nancy humbly sheweth unto your Honours that your petitioners are free persons descended in the female line direct from a free white woman, and are unjustly detained in slavery by a certain Daniel Rapine, of the County of Washington aforesaid, as they are prepared to verify. They therefore pray that your Honours will take into consideration, their case, and that you will be pleased to cause the U.S. writ of subpoena to issue to the said Daniel Rapine, and that your petitioners may have a trial according to law, and that such other and farther process may be ordered there in as to your Honours may seem reasonable and just. And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray.
D. A. Hall for Petitioners
Kitty Shorter and her infant Children
Daniel Rapine
Petition for freedom
Filed 2nd Augt. 1822