Robert Henley v. Samuel Miller. Affidavit of William Ramsay & Robert Fulton


Personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for the County of Alexandria District of Columbia William Ramsay & Robert Fulton who being duly sworn say that the bearer Robert Halley a person of color and formerly a slave to Bennet Jarboe resided in the town of Alexandria in the year 1806 and lived with the late George H. Wise for the space of nearly eight years after 1806

Given under my hand at Alexa this 8th of Octr 1821
Thos Vowell

N.B William Ramsay cannot swear to the exact time but has known him as a resident of Alexandria for number of years
Thos Vowell


District of Columbia
County of Alexandria

I Edmund J. Lee Clerk of the United States Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Alexandria do hereby certify that Robert Halley a man of color was never registered among the records of the said Court as required by law, concerning importation of Slaves within the District of Columbia.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of my office this 8th day of October 1821

(Sigd) Edm. J. Lee


Robt. Henley
Saml. Miller

negro Joane
Alexr Talbott
