Joe Thompson v. Walter Clarke. Promissory Note

Maryland Sct
The State of Maryland, To All persons to whom these presents shall come, greeting Know ye that Elizabeth Thompson late of Saint Mary's County deceased died in testate as it is said and administration of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, and Credits which were of the said deceased is granted and committed unto Walter Clarke & Ann Thompson who is hereby appointed administrat of all and Singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
Witness Jas Egerton Esquire Chief Justice of the orphans Court of Saint Mary's County, this 9 day of Aug Anno Domini 1808.
Test. James Forrest Reg. Wills for St Mary's County

Walter Clarke by virtue of this [illegible] of admr took possession of [illegible] requires[?] &c in the annexed inventory, and distributed the same among the representations of Eliz Thompson: viz his brother Joseph & himself, who married[?] the two surviving sisters of Mrs Thompson.