John & Serena v. Henry Moscross. Petition for Freedom


District of wit,
The United States of America, To Henry Moscross

To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Columbia in the County of Washington. The Petition of negro John and negress Serena infants under the age of twenty one years by John Stevens their next friend, humbly complaining, sheweth unto your honors, that they are unjustly & illegally held in slavery by Henry Moscross, contrary to law & against justice Equity & good conscience. Your petitioners therefore pray, that by the judgment order or Decree of this Honorable Court they may be discharged from the bondage or servitude of the said Henry Moscross, and may be returned[?] to that freedom to which in law justly law & Equity they are justly entitled. And may it please your honors to grant unto your petitioners a summons as in such cases is usual directing the said Henry Moscross to appear in this hnorable & to enter into such recognizance, & with such security as in cases of petition for freedom is by law established & as to your honors shall seem meet & proper, & to grant to your petitioners such further & other relief in the premises as to your honors shall seem meet & according to justice Equity & good conscience. & your petitioners will ever pray &c

Negro John
Negress Serena
By John Stevens their next friend

EB Caldwell att for Petitioners

May 6th 1811


202/ 222. 253.

John & Serena by John Stevens their next friend
Henry Moscross


Filed 8 May 1811
Subpa issd