Davy Davis v. James Cassin. Fugitive Slave Broadside
100 Dollars Reward
For apprehending the following Negro Men, the property of the subscriber, residing at Washington City, who runaway on the night of the 14th inst.
David Is of a dark color, about 25 years of age, and has lost a joint off one finger of his right hand. The other by name of Jim, About 35 years of age, also stout made, has been sickly, and is of a jet black. David was bought of Major Calvert, Mount Airy, and it is expected will be about there. Jim was bought of Mr. Samuel G. Griffith, of Baltimore, and will no doubt make for that city. They are both old runaways, and will try to pass for freemen. The above reward will be given for both, or half the sum for either, with reasonable charges.
James Cassin.
June 15, 1809.