Davy Davis v. James Cassin. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable the Judges of the circuit court of the County of Washington in the District of Columbia—
The humble Petition of Davy Davis, humbly sheweth, that your Petitioner is detained in slavery by James Cassin — and as he is born free he prays that process may be awarded to compell the appearance of the said James Cassin to answer his complaint.
Edm J Lee for the Complaintant—
17th June 1809
Your petitioner begs leave to state that the said James Cassin is about to remove him without the District of Columbia & to take him to New Orleans, for the purpose of there selling of him, that he has already confined your petitioner in irons for that purpose, your petitioner therefore prays that process may immediately be issued to bring the said
James Cassin before the court for the purpose of compelling him not to remove your petitioner out of the district & to permit him to appear & assert in court his right to his freedom as in Duty bound he will ever pray.
Davy Davis
Jas. Cassin