George Davis v. Mary Young and Leticia Davis v. Rebecca Forrest. Summons of John Rabbit

District of Columbia, to wit:
The United States of America:
To the Marshal of the District of Maryland, Greeting,
You are hereby commanded to summon John Rabbit if he shall be found in the district of Maryland that (all excuses set aside) he be and appear before the circuit court of the District of Columbia, to be held for the county of Washington on the twentieth inst. to testify on the part of George Davis against Mary Young Hereof fail not at your peril and have you then and there this precept
Witness Wm Cranch esquire, chief Judges of the said court
Issued the eleventh day of June 1811
Wm Brent, Clk.
District of Columbia
The United States of America
To the Marshal of the District of Maryland Greeting,
You are hereby commanded to summon John Rabbit if he shall be found in the district of Maryland that (all excuses set aside) he be and appear before the circuit court of the district of Columbia to be held for the county of Washington at the city of Washington on the 20th day of June inst. to testify on the part of Leticia Davis & children against Rebecca Forrest. Hereof fail not at your peril, and have you then and there this precept. Witness Wm Cranch esquire, chief Judge of the said court. Issued the eleventh day of June 1811
Wm Brent Clk

Leticia Davis & Children
Rebecca Forrest
Sumd John Rabbit near Montgomery Court House
George Davis
Mary Young.
Sumd John Rabbit. near Montgomery Court House.
Baltimore County ss On the 14th June 1811 Came Jesse Talbot before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for said County and did solemnly affirm that he on the 13th instant served the original Summon's of which the within are true Copies on Thomas Rutter Marshal of Maryland
Owen Dorsey